18 thoughts on “Tailwind

  1. The American Kestrel is a gorgeous raptor, small but beautiful. Thank you so much, Julie. 🙂

    1. They are not as common in Massachusetts as they used to be, so the Audubons are putting up nesting boxes for them to help them out. I’m glad you liked the pics!

      1. Thank’s Julie. Yes we have a lot of beautiful and exotic birds. But in the city is not to easy to see them. And the bird that I see are too far for a closer photo. Nice day!

    1. The kestrel is the smallest raptor in North America, and although common in many areas, its population has declined in New England. I loved watching him balance with his tail in spite of an extremely windy day. Such a little bird, but so tough!

  2. I really liked how you captured this kestrel in the wind, Julie. His striking colors and markings, and the use of the tail to stay balanced. One of my favorite American raptors.

    1. Kestrels used to be plentiful in Massachusetts, but are “a bird of concern” these days, because of losing so much meadow/farmland habitat. I am so hoping to see a family nest in the box there!

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